Archive for April, 2009

My Sister Leah

My sister was home for three days, and left on Sunday.  I get so excited to see her.  I can’t travel fourteen hours it take to get to her house, so the only time I see her that she comes here.  I have so many memories of my life with my sister.  She is three years and three days older than me. 

When I was born, she was so excited to have a little sister.  She’s always been so kind to me.  I know that having me for a sister made her life difficult.  My needs were always demanding of my Mom, so Leah didn’t get as much attention from the time I was born.  I learned so much from her.  She was always writing or reading or performing, playing her viola or the piano.  I used to sit and watch her play the piano and I would feel so sad.  I could not make my hands work like hers, so I knew I would never play the piano, but I love to hear her play. 

She has made many sacrifices in her life for me, and I am so grateful to her.  I love to cuddle with her.  I know she needs to live her life, and I need to live mine. When we see each other I am so content.  I had two seizures while she was here, so I wasn’t able to do everything I hoped for, but it was great to be together.  I love her.


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I’m Smiling but I’m not Happy

I wrote on My Rett Body about my how my mannerisms are not necessarily how I’m feeling. I have not been feeling like myself for many days.


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Everything Seems Hard

I wrote on My Rett Body page about some difficult days I have had lately related to Rett.  I hope it helps my friends who are silent.

Love, Karly

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The Art Exhibit


How I paint with support-working on Blackhills Beauty

How I paint with support-working on Blackhills Beauty

My friend Ashley and I at the art exhibit
My friend Ashley and I at the art exhibit

Me with my art My Blackhills painting, a photo of Beau and I, and my Blackhills poem were hanging in the Art Gallery for 1 month.  I was able to go three times during the exhibit.  There were many people there during the opening ceremony, including our state representative.  It was impressive to see all the art, and to meet some of the artists. 


I haven’t painted recently, but I hope to today.  I don’t always feel like painting.  Sometimes it’s hard to get my hands to stop fiddling, and just move freely.  I’m relaxed this morning.  I have an acupuncture appointment today, which helps me calm down. 


Last week, a professional photographer came to my house to take my picture for a newsletter I wrote for.  They liked the photo of me and Beau so much, that they not only used it for the article I wrote, but also for their banquet invitations.  I titled it, “Quiet Moments”. 



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