Archive for May, 2012

I Love My Garden

I am the happiest person alive! I have had the most wonderful people do something that I could never have asked for or expected. Our neighbors who are such kind women organized what has now become “Karly’s Spiritdances Garden.” Yesterday was the first time I saw it in person.

Many people have helped make my garden.

There was a lot to be done.

Spiritdances Garden in April 2012

When I went to bed on Tuesday, this is what it looked like.

While I slept on Tuesday evening, a group of people came and made my patio into a dream come true. I have always loved flowers and water and birds. Our patio now looks like something out of a movie! I felt great yesterday when I was sitting in my garden. I love the chimes, the water, the birds who are so excited to be fed. The hummingbird feeder is so fun.

When it just got finished

This is what I see when I’m sitting by our door.

I heard these chimes when I came outside the first time

I can hear hummingbirds when they come to eat

This bubbler is so calming

This made my mom cry. It’s beautiful

All these people are the ones who did the work. I can’t thank them enough

Lil Linder and her 4H group brought the plants. She owns some beautiful greenhouses.

Missy and Sandy are my friends. They don’t like to get a lot of credit or pose for pictures. I am so grateful to them.

I wanted to share this with you because I find that there is so much trouble in this world, and it always becomes news. Here’s some great news to share! People’s hearts are good. People are generous. People want to make a positive difference. People can do what they are able, and make a big change for someone else. Young people are eager to help. This world is a kind place. Maybe if we remember that, it will help us to do what we can to make it that way.

Today, I just want to show you some pictures of the beauty that has happened because people gave generously of their friendship, their money, their creativity and their energy. I will never meet many of the people who donated. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love, Karly

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A New Poem

I love writing poetry. I have been thinking about this poem for some time.  I hope it helps you like it has me.

This photo was taken last summer.


Time gives our thoughts a place in our hearts

Places that need healing from broken moments

To look for understanding,

for kind responses

It doesn’t always happen.



We look for peace and then realize

it comes from allowing other broken hearts

a different way to heal

We see there is more than one way to

look at the same moment in time.



We let our deepest thoughts be known by God

and love those in front of us

who may not feel the same way.



karly wahlin

May 7th, 2012

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