Archive for November, 2010

Help Make My Wish Come True

I haven’t talked much lately about my CD. My dream was to have every girl with Rett Syndrome, get my CD.  I wanted them to feel hope in their life.  I thought that if they heard my music it would inspire them not to give up and lose their interest in finding out what their talents are too.  I thought it would be easy to get the CD to everyone.  It hasn’t been that way.

"In My Own Voice"-My CD cover photo

My sister Leah read my poem's on my CD

Greg Theisen is a beautiful person and a great piano player. He made my songs sound perfect.

I want to see if you can help make my wish come true.  If you are able to buy one of my CD’s for someone you know, whether they have Rett Syndrome or not, it would be the best Christmas ever for me.  I don’t know how to sell my CD’s easily, but I thought that if I put a link to CD Baby here, that you could consider buying one for someone on your Christmas list this year.  Maybe for their birthday, or for New Year’s, or for someone who is lonely, or someone who is ill, or in a nursing home or someone who needs to be inspired to believe in who God created them to be.  I would love to have you buy one  for that person!  Maybe they will be changed by it.  I know this music has changed my family.  It has changed my heart too.  I listen to it often.

Please think about this.  I would love it if you bought one today.

Barbara McAfee my music producer, and my music therapist Karen Bohnert are in my heart.

I have composed piano music for 10 years with my music therapist.  This CD is my years of effort with her help.

Love, Karly

This is the link to listen to previews of my songs and where you can buy my cd or download it.

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In My Room

Beau got to come on our patio today. His coat is thick and warm.

I have learned something from  my time alone each day.  I asked my Mom to help me have some time by myself each day.  I have been able to do it most days lately and I have learned that I need to be alone so that my thoughts can slow down.  I haven’t spent much time alone in my life because of my disability.  I get really tired of always being with someone who is there to meet my needs.  I like some time to relax so I have discovered that in my room I get my thoughts together.  It helps me calm down.  I don’t know if other girls with Rett get tired of people always being near them, but it’s been hard for me lately.

The sun is shining today and it feels so comfortable in my favorite rocking chair.  I asked my Mom to put my cd with birds and chimes on my player.  It’s so soothing.

Love, Karly

This is a poem I wrote this morning.

In Flight

I see my life from a distance

I see people I usually don’t

I feel the wind taking my concerns


I give my dreams freedom to bloom

I haven’t loved like this before

I take time alone

Away from the cares of my body

I find freedom in flight

November 2010

Karly Wahlin



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