My Email Address

Here’s my email address:

I love to hear from people!


4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Julian said,

    Hey Karly!

    My name’s Julian, and i live in France, i just heard about you through the Woodland Hills Church… Just wanted to say that your Blogs are so inspiring, i thank God for his gift of faith to you and i pray that it will never cease to grow, and touch people around! Thank you for being my sister in Christ, and being a blessing to all those around you!

    Love from France,


  2. 2

    Billie Jo Fox said,

    It was a pleasure meeting you today here at Boutwells! You are an AMAZING person, and truly have inspired me in more ways than one! I look forward getting to know you better, and hope you always feel welcome to stop by and say hello!
    Thank you for Blessing so many lifes in all that you do!
    Billie Jo 🙂

  3. 3

    Tami Danks said,

    Hi Karly! Just read your most recent blog. What a blessing you are! It’s such a joy to know you and share in your ministry and the joy you bring to all who know you. Thanks for being so willing to share all the highs and lows that are a part of your life (and of all our lives). Wish you could be at Grandpa’s Celebration of Life Service, you’ll be missed. I’m glad your words will be there in your poem. Love and hugs, Tami

  4. 4

    Amy Fairbanks Zimmerman said,

    Oh Karly, I SOOOO wish I would have known about this beautiful blog just even a few weeks ago so I could have said hello!!! Do you remember me? I worked with you over 10 years ago. We would go for walks, go to the lake, went to a musical, and spent many hours reading books. We also played music sometimes as I was studying music therapy — I can’t WAIT to hear your CD!!! I have thought about you so often and wondered if I would ever meet up with you again and be able to read the wonderful things you dreamed to write. I’m sad we won’t see each other again in this life, but am so anxious to read more of your inspiring writings! I am living in Brazil now with my husband and our 3 handsome boys. I can’t believe God’s hand and timing – just TODAY I saw a video on Facebook about a Carly with autism that found her voice through communicating on a keyboard (and it wasn’t you!). Because the story was so similar to yours I had to see what you were up to and was shocked to find your obituary/article in the Stillwater paper that was just released. I’m still in shock. Leah, Lois, and Greg you will be in my prayers!!! Thanks for letting me work with Karly! I learned so much from her – what life is and what it isn’t! My heart is simultaneously aching with sadness and swelling with joy to discover all that she was able to do and say!!!!! I’m also happy she can finally dance. With Love, Amy Fairbanks Zimmerman

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