Kind Hearts

I am surrounded by so much kindness.  I have always loved flowers, and my Mom and I have kept them in our yard and on our deck for most of my teen years, and now in my 20’s.  My “Spiritdances Garden” has given my heart so much joy and it’s not even planted yet!  I feel the kindness and love of people I have never even met.  

This is the 4H group who wanted to help us by doing yardwork and planting my "Spiritdances Garden."

Last week, there were over 50 people who came to our home on Tuesday and prepared a garden area and made our yard ready for summer by doing many tasks for us.  I was asleep, so when I woke in the morning, Mom and Gregg shared what took place. I sat outside this past week by the garden and my heart was so content, because to know that people are that kind and generous in giving has made my days so much sweeter.  Tonight at 6:30 there will be more people here to start the planting of shrubs and bushes!  When it gets warmer they will add flowers. 

Many people came, young and old. One of them was Lil Linder, who owns many beautiful greenhouses.

They cleaned under our plum tree. This tree was given to us by Grandpa Bob

Lil Linder

My friends and neighbors have been so supportive of me and my family over these years.  Beau has had so much great care because our neighbors bring us hay and wood shavings,  and they do Beau’s Spring and Fall vet care.  Beau’s hooves are trimmed by a farrier.  People bring meals to our home and flowers to me. No one will let us pay them!  This has been taking place for years!  They are helping us in every way.  I feel God’s love in all of it.  He is love.  I am embracing the kindness of people today that have shown that this world is a loving and beautiful place.  I am glad to see that.

I can imagine how beautiful it is going to be.

Love, Karly


1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    I sit here in bed — I’m tired and achy and down — it’s a bad day today for my Fibromyalgia. I read your blog, and I now have a huge smile on my face and hope in my heart. You are so blessed to have so many that love you in your life! Even better, you know how blessed you are and you give thanks to our Creator. I am happy knowing that soon you will be able to sit among your flowers and trees and plants and that they will all bring you so much joy. I am happy knowing that such simple things bring you such pleasure. But I know that when you spend your life in pain, life becomes very simple: kind words, loving acts, nature’s beauty mean the world. I am wrapping you in white, healing light today and pray for only good days for you and me going forward! All My Love, Amber

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