Hello world!


I’m boldly going into my first blog! I’m ready to share my thoughts about my life and what I want others to learn about living with Rett Syndrome. This may surprise you if you have not met someone with Rett Syndrome who is able to type.  I am eager to show you that those of us who are silent are not ignorant. I wish to thank my friend Sandy for helping me get this started and encouraging me to share my thoughts with the world. So I will attempt to do that as I am able.  I’m going to post pictures with me and my horse Beau.  Please check back soon!

14 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Sandy said,

    Hello and Welcome to the World of Blogging!! I like the look of your new site and am very excited to see what you have to say in your upcoming posts and look forward to seeing photos of that handsome Beau of yours!

  2. 2

    Kelly Butler said,

    I am so excited about your blog! As a mom of a little girl with Rett Syndrome I an very interested in what you have to say. (I again thank you for emailing me back) You are a true inspiration for me as I work hard to help Brooklyn (RS) have a voice in this world! I am going to link your blog to her page, I hope that is ok!

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    montucky said,

    Hello Karly! Welcome to this little WordPress community! I will look forward to your posts and photos.

  4. 4

    AK_Adventurer said,

    Welcome!! I’m really looking forward to reading your posts and seeing your photos. This photo of you and your horse Beau is absolutely beautiful.

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    Sarah said,

    Hi Karly! Our household is all ears to hear what you have to say and see more of your great photos.
    May I put a link on my blog site to connect up with yours!?!

  6. 6

    Tammy Rose said,

    Hi Karly, Congrats on you new Blog site and I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say. I love that picture of you and Beau. Like the old saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” and it truely shows the connection you have with Beau.

  7. 7

    Ruth Olson said,

    Dear Karly,

    Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us. What a marvelous learning experience this will be for those of us who are “clueless.” I pray the Lord will continue to bless you with resources that enable you to express yourself fully and to share with the world all the beautiful thoughts, opinions, observations, and gifts that dwell within you. How you glorify the Lord, Karly!

    Waiting for your next communique’…
    Loving your photo…
    and above all praying for you…
    Ruth Olson, Woodland Hills Church

  8. 8

    Stephanie said,

    Hi Karly!

    My 7 year old daughter, Emily, has Rett Syndrome. I’ve always known that Emily is very intelligent, has alot to say, but is unable to communicate for the most part (she has her way of letting us know, believe me!) I’m so happy you have found a way to communicate and are letting others know how you’ve found your voice! It gives us hope for the future of others living with Rett. Thanks for sharing. Looking forwardto future blogs.

  9. 9

    Bill Farnum said,

    Karly, you are a tremendous inspiration to us all. Our 3 year old daughter Ella was diagnosed with Rett this past Dec 2007 and we are doing all we can to help find a cure. Your blog gives us so much hope in knowing that our little girl understands that we love her and are doing all we can to help her and all of you Rett Angels. Please keep posting and feel free to visit Ella’s website, http://www.believe-in-me.org to get the latest news on our fundraising efforts.

  10. 10

    Marcell said,

    Karly, I for one am glad you have found your voice. Your mom sent me the link, and if it’s ok with you I’d love to link to you on my blog also. You have an inspiring story, and I anticipate learning lots more of your story and meeting your funny side, too.

  11. 11

    Marcia said,

    Hi Karly,

    I’m a friend of Greg Boyd’s. He shared your blog with me…I love it!! I don’t know anything about Rett Syndrome…I look forward learning more from you. I also love the picture of you and your horse… so BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Thank you and I look forward to following your blog.

    marcia erickson

  12. 12

    Pam Sans said,

    Hi Karly: Congraulations on such a well set up blog. I think it’s extremly cool. As you know I share your love of horses and really enjoy seeing pictures of you and Beau. I look forward to hearing more about your life adventures. I hope you will join us this summer at PAI for a planned Ice Cream Social. I will be sure to let you know well in advance so you can fit us into your schedule. We all miss seeing you and hope you will come to visit with Beau when that is all set up.

  13. 13

    Rene' said,

    Dear Karly… Thank you for sharing your words and your picture!!
    I will share them with my family as one of my grand-daughters loves horses also.
    I am excited to be able to “hear” your words when you write!
    Thank you for being brave and strong!! Blessings to you
    Rene’ Ruland

  14. 14

    Stephanie said,

    Hi Karly!!

    I just wanted to tell you that I have truly been blessed to meet you.You inspire me to be a better person with your strength and your faith in God.
    I know that it must be hard for you at times but I want you to always know that you are a ray of sunshine in a lot of peoples’ lives, including mine!!
    My thoughts and prayers are with you!!

    Stephanie Lopez

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